Red palm weevil treatment

What treatments are available to get rid of the red palm weevil or palm beetle?

What treatments are available to get rid of the red palm weevil or palm beetle

The red palm weevil is an invasive species of insect whose larvae dig passages in the trunks of palm trees. As a result of this process, through which the larvae feed themselves, these trees are killed if we don’t act fast enough. As such, ever since the first recordings of this beetle in Europe – back in 1996 – various treatments have been developed to prevent or remove infestations.

Treatments to get rid of red palm weevils or palm beetles

Today, there are a wide range of solutions to fight red palm weevils. The main options are:

  • Endotherapy.
  • Pesticide foliar shower.
  • Nematode foliar shower.
  • Eco-friendly insecticide foliar shower.
  • Entomopathogenic fungi.
  • Red palm weevil traps.

Each red palm weevil treatment for palm trees features specific characteristics. They all have their benefits. However, the most effective treatment for palm trees infested with red palm weevils is endotherapy.

Pesticide foliar shower

In this technique, a solution is applied to the “bud” of the palm tree, at the base of the crown. This allows the insecticide to enter through the holes made by the larvae. As a result, the product kills the larvae and red palm weevils, although the insecticides used to control these infestations are becoming less and less available.

Foliar shower with ecological insecticides treatment to end the red weevil or palm beetle
Foliar shower with ecological insecticides treatment to end the red palm weevil or palm beetle

Nematode foliar shower

This a treatment which consists in applying a fungus called Steinernema carpocapsae, which penetrates the larvae through the mouth or anus and feeds on their juices, releasing a toxin that slowly kills the larvae of red palm weevils and the Paysandisia species.

Nematode foliar shower
Nematode foliar shower

Eco-friendly insecticide foliar shower

This technique is similar to those mentioned above, applying an eco-friendly insecticide to the bud.

Eco-friendly insecticide foliar shower
Eco-friendly insecticide foliar shower

Entomopathogenic fungi.

This technique consists of applying the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana, allowing it to infect red palm weevil larvae and adults. This kills the infestation and, afterwards, the spores rise to the surface to infect other beetles.

Entomopathogenic fungi.
Entomopathogenic fungi.

Red palm weevil traps

These are often to used to monitor, trap and kill weevils. They are set up at a distance of over 50 metres from the palm trees, unless they are already infested. They are highly effective at capturing these pests, thereby reducing their population. It is recommended to install them as a protective shield, in circles around large groups of palm trees.

Red palm weevil traps
Red palm weevil traps

The best treatment against red palm weevils: endotherapy

The best treatment to get rid of red palm weevils is endotherapy. It is much more effective than other solutions as a treatment for palm trees infested with red palm weevils. This is a clean, sustainable and affordable technique, safe for both plants and people.

Endotherapy is the safest, most effective and cheapest treatment on the market.

All it takes is a small amount of insecticide to save the plant or prevent infestations. What’s more, the procedure is very simple. All you need to do is follow these steps:

  • Drilling the trunk.
  • Inserting the pipette.
  • Applying mastic sealant.
  • Opening the cap and inserting the dose of insecticide.

Today, this is the treatment that offers the best results against infestations of this species. Getting rid of red palm weevil larvae isn’t easy, unless you turn to this procedure. What’s more, it also works as a preventive treatment. We at SOSPALM offer quick and effective endotherapy services.


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